Book Core Publishing
We are very excited to announce our new independent publishing company, Book Core Publishing located in Madison, Wisconsin.
Along with Book Core Marketing, we offer everything from branding, web design, book cover design, manuscript critique, and publishing services. All right here. All meant to help you be a successful author.
Book Core Publishing is not a vanity publisher. We succeed, when you succeed. That's why it's to our benefit to offer marketing services as well as publishing. We primarily publish adult and YA: dystopian, fantasy, romance, and self-help. We do not publish children's books or poetry. Please follow our guidelines below to submit your query today.
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We primarily publish adult and YA: dystopian, fantasy, romance, and self-help. We do not publish children's books or poetry.
Please include a cover letter, query, and the first three pages of your edited manuscript in the body of your email. Any submissions with an attachment will be deleted. Please include your contact information, manuscript genre and length (in words, not pages), and date of submission at the top of your query. We prefer manuscripts no less than 50,000 words.
If we are interested in more, we will contact you. Due to the number of submissions we receive, if you do not hear from us within 4-6 weeks, that means we are not interested.
If we're not the right fit, that doesn't mean there isn't one out there. Keep trying. Perfect your art and don't give up.
Please send all queries here.
Thank you for considering Book Core Publishing.
About Us
Book Core Publishing is a new publishing house. Founded in 2022, we can't wait to help writers get their work into the world, meet their goals, and be with them every step of the way.
Owner, Brea Ruddy's dream was to build a business to help new writers get from idea to final product. All in one place. Book Core is that business.
Brea has eight books published and is represented by The Purcell Agency. Brea has a degree in digital marketing and a certificate in graphic design. She lives in Madison, Wisconsin with her fiancé, two children, and two cats.
Are you a vanity publisher?
- No, we pay you for publishing your work. Not the other way around.
What is Book Core's royalty rate?
- We pay you 15% royalty on each paperback book sold and 25% on each e-book sold.
Do you offer editing?
- We do not offer editing services at this time. We will not accept books that are not professionally edited.
Do you offer marketing assistance?
- Yes! We succeed when you succeed. We offer free marketing tutorials and reasonably priced marketing services to help you and help us. We offer services through our company, Book Core Marketing.
Why work with a publishing house?
- Working with a publishing house gives you more opportunities to share your work. Some examples are getting your work into bookstores, libraries, and on professional lists. Although not impossible with a self-published book, it can be much easier with a book published with a publishing house. It can also be easier to get into book events, arrange media opportunities, and schedule author events. Book Core is unique in that we teach you how to do these things and give you free resources to advance your career as an author.
What is Book Core Publishing's timeline?
- Each project is unique. If we are interested we will get back to you within 4-6 weeks. How soon you get your work published upon acceptance depends on how polished it is, what other services you would like, and most importantly how quickly you get back to us when we send you information. Communication is very important in every step of the process.